Centre Entrance


Church Langley Church, 30th Anniversary


Saturday 25th May, in the Community Centre:

2:30 - 5pm Family Fun Day

  • Children's Activities
  • Cream Teas
  • Quiet Space

6pm Service of Thanksgiving
Followed by refreshments

Short Mat Bowls

Play Tuesday mornings (9:30 - 12:00am) and Thursday afternoons (3:00 - 5:30pm). New players welcome. Fees: £3/session (2 games + refreshments).

Barn Dance!!!

Barn Dance Poster Barn Dance Poster

Saturday 14th October, 7:00pm for a 7:30pm start. Thank you everyone who supported this event.

Macmillan Coffee Morning, 28th Sep 2023

Thank you to those who organised and those who supported this event, £421.30 was raised for this worthy cause.

Quiz Night

Thank you for your support, £440 was raised for the community centre.

Harlow Fitclub

Commences 10th May, Wednesday evenings in the large hall, 7:00 - 8:00pm.

Macmillan Coffee Morning, 24th Nov 2022

Thank you everyone who supported this worthy cause. £159.83 was raised from teas, coffee and cakes, and from the bring & buy stall.

Elvis was in the building...

Elvis Poster

Saturday 24th September 2022, a live tribute to the King of Rock N' Roll.

Coffee Stop

Coffee Stop has resumed, meeting each Thursday morning, 10am to 11:30am. All welcome - refreshments, chat, meet with and make new friends.

31-July-2021: Community Centre Update

There were times when we thought these days would never return, but we are pleased to announce that Church Langley Community Center is open. Clubs and classes are looking to get their pre-covid numbers back and are all looking for new members. All details are on our website. Mums & Dads can think about a party for their children or loved ones. We still have slots for Saturday bookings and we will always try and accommodate regular users who wish to run new innovative classes. It is still a great wedding venue with lots of parking and a motel on the doorstep for overnight stays. We have a new booking and enquiry email address for you to use, churchlangley.hallbooking@gmail.com hopefully this will make getting in touch easier.

Looking forward to seeing you some time,

3-June-2021: Community Centre Update

The Community Centre is now slowly getting back to normal, many of our regular clubs and classes have already started, operating within current Government guide lines. Like everybody, we have everything crossed that the June 21st date for total relaxation of regulations can go ahead. If you are thinking of running a club or class then please get in touch. Likewise if you are thinking of joining a club or class then email or phone and we will pass your details on to the appropriate organisation.

We are looking to run some events for later in the year that we hope people will support. Just watch this space. The hall is still a great venue for parties, weddings, dances etc. with plenty of car parking spaces and a Motel just a few yards away. So please stay safe and we hope to see you at some point in the future.

17-May-2021: Community Centre Open

The Community Centre has reopened. Please refer to the weekly programme for details of which groups and activities have resumed.

17-Nov-2020: Community Centre Update

Please see the following for an update on the Community Centre situation: view document.